You will receive an email with the script for a 30 day trial. Read instructions carefully. Please join this discord community to get all pre made automations which you can customise
Combine millions of photo conditions toevery photoshop function all from your camera.

-Create conditions from over 30 variables and metadata like dominant colours*, subject, sky, focus distance, White Balance, shutter speed, to histogram ranges in specific areas of the photo.
- No sitting in front of a PC. Set up a transfer from your camera to your PC via adobe Cloud, FTP etc and It will detect the photos and begin editing. 

- Set up variations of each edit so that you can choose the best one without editing.

-Set up automatic uploads* once your photos are edited, create a photobook*, Cinegraph*, pixel shift to enlarge photo*, composites* and many more features to come in the future . 
- So many variations: use other people's rulesets/action sets in the coworking community* and run them on your photos or customise their ruelsets to your own needs. You can Re-edit the edit of your photo yourself.* See the edit like a starting point.

Condition Functions: Wb Kelvin, WB Tint, WB Auto, Shutter Speed, ISO,Aperture, Focal Length, Focus Distance, Exposure Mode, Metering, Star Rating, Camera Model, Lens, Author, Copyright Info, Date, Time, Crop, Pixel Width, Pixel Height, Colour Space, Flash Fired, Flash Comp, Ratio Subject Area, Ratio Sky Area, Ratio InBetween Area, Global Histogram Range, Subject Histogram Range, Sky Histogram Range, InBetween Histogram Range, Faces Present, Overall EV 

Condition Functions Coming Soon: Colour Range, Multiple face detect (currently only one), blink detection, sad face detection,  Choose from multiple rulesets, More comparison functions: regular expressions, etc

Please understand this is still in a beta phase and will take time to get around to these functions and continue testing.

What if you didn't have to sit at your computer to post process photos so you can. Get out and shoot more.
Send sophisticated editing instructions with each photo you take, with many variations. 

Play video.
-Multiple variations from one instruction. 
-Keep the original photo.

Main Examples:
- Selectively and subtly Expose and colour parts of the images. Select the sky or subject or everything in between. 
- Automatically choose colours in photo
- Apply your LUTS, presets.
- Make several edits of each photo
- Add AI gen prompt to certain area of photo.
- Even if it doesnt do it correctly, you'll still have your original image, and have potential editing idea. 
- After taking the photos, you can choose how strong your edit with the rate, or which ones to edit.
- Enhance portaits. There and then.
- Enhance details, Reduce noise, Or Enlarge.
- Or do all of this this at once.

Create Editing Rules based on photo information(i.e. flash, shutter speed, faces, histogram data etc) so that you can batch process each photo individually with everything that you can do in Photoshop. 

Action Functions: In camera AI Gen + Place, Photo composite, Choose Rulset in camera, Multi Photo detail Enhance, GIF maker, Cinegraph Maker, Photobook Maker A4 landscape (conditonal based photo), automatic upload on edited photo to flickr or imgbb.
Please let me know if there are things you would like.

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